Tuesday 1 January 2019

New Year, New Opportunities

I love fresh starts.  One of my weaknesses is that I seem to need them constantly.  I know intuitively that each moment can be a new start but nothing feels fresher than a new calendar year.  Being part of the IHC, this fresh start is different.  Goals are made based on the Chinese calendar so January 1st does not mean new goals.  I find it does mean a fresh, new energy to carry me through that last month heading into the new IHC year.  Then it is another new start.

Last night we brought in the new year with a family movie night.  We have been on the road visiting family in BC and Alberta and it was good to slow down and just be the four of us.  The first movie we watched was Greater.  This movie is an incredible true story about a young man who aspired to play football first at the high school level, then university level and finally in the NFL.  The young man was killed just shy of signing that his NFL contract but his legacy changed football in the southern states forever.  He was not naturally talented.  He worked hard every single moment with the singular focus to obtain his goals.  He inspired the people in his world with the integrity he showed.  He did not let a single opportunity pass him by.

This story is serving as the perfect send off into this year.  I have one big goal.  I want to earn the right to be on the mats on grading day.  I am not sure what this year will bring but I will be looking for each and every opportunity. 

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