Monday 17 December 2018

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It's the most wonderful time of the year.
With fevers a blazin'
And coughs are abounding,
We are lacking cheer....
It's the most wonderful time of the year.

Yes, flu season has hit our home with full force this year.  I appear to be patient zero in our current mess and lucky for me, I seem to be over the worst of it.  Little Miss has been down for over a week hard.  All she does is cough and sleep.  Hubby is putting up a good fight and his Fisherman's Friends seem to be a constant companion.  The only one who seems to be keeping it at bay is the teen who honestly does the least to prevent illness.  He has had a couple days here and there where he has felt under the weather but seems to rally.

What is a girl to do in the middle of all this!  It is hard to see my family suffering.  My patience is growing thin with this not so delightful virus.  It is really a recipe to be quite cranky myself. 

Instead, I seek out the good I can find.  I choose gratitude.

The top of the list is the reminder that although my family is sick, they will recover in a short time.  I'm sure many of you have heard the story about little Hudson Pedlar from Spruce Grove.  I had the pleasure of volunteering on a playschool board many years ago with his momma when she was pregnant with this sweet boy.  What started out as the flu in their house has turned into every parent's worst nightmare.  Hudson has been in the hospital since mid October.  He is winning his battle but his life will be forever changed.  My heart breaks over their pain and struggle that they have already endured and the uncertainty that still looms in the future for them. 

I am blessed.  My family, although they are suffering, will hopefully be done with this bug soon.  It has slowed down much of the past couple weeks at a particularly crazy time of year.  That is a blessing.  I am getting lots of cuddle time in during the day while I read to my Little Miss.  I will continue to choose to look for the little things to be grateful for.

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