Thursday 6 September 2018

Back to School...

This is it!  This is the week where there seems to be feelings flying randomly for all.  Kids are nervous, excited, dreading the grind.  Parents are also having feelings.  Some are super excited to see routine return and a change up from summer.  Some are mourning the relaxed moments of summer.  Some can't believe that their babies are heading to kindergarten or high school.  Nerves and feeling are running amok!

At our house the feelings have run the full range.  One off to high school...  I still remember how I felt the day I sent him to kindergarten.  He seems to be relatively unaffected by the changes in his life, at least not that he'd talk about it with me anyway.  He is a very cool teenage boy and I am his mom.

The other one started grade 7 at our kitchen table this week.  This has definitely created many feelings in our house over the past couple months.  There have been a few moments where she has mourned that lack of first day excitement and seeing all the kids again.  Yet, she jumped right into learning and is so excited. 

This is usually the week that I take a deep breath and recover from summer.  I clean the house.  I clean up the yard.  I start getting caught up on the work that piled up over the summer.  Not this year though.  I have jumped into my new role with both feet.  I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing and at moments that I have no right to take on this huge responsibility.  So far this week it has been a wonderful experience of learning and laughing with my girl.  Yes, laughing....  And it is seriously the best part of it all.  We have not had much laughter when it comes to school and handling life so it is so beautiful!

I have no idea how I am going to balance all of my responsibilities.  Right now I am trying to take advantage of the little moments.  I am working to stay present.  I make a lot of lists.  I will do what I can each and every day.  And I will continue to laugh!

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