Monday 21 May 2018

Hand, Hand, Finger....

Thumb!!!!  Dum ditty! Dum dum dum!

Today's blog is brought to you by Al Perkins (a children's author with books similar to Dr. Suess if the first part of this blog made no sense) and a very under-rated body part which I will definitely not be using on a drum in the next little while.

This week I have learned several lessons...

1.  Rumour has it that dull knives are very dangerous in the kitchen.  That may be true but so are really sharp knives, especially when you had no idea that they have been recently sharpened.  Please always tell your family members when you sharpen knives.  It truly is important.

2.  If you use a sharp knife to cut yourself, it makes a rather clean cut with minimal effort.  Perhaps it's a really good thing that my sword is made of wood...

3.  We use our thumbs for everything!!!!!  The struggle has been real but I've been learning to adapt.  From getting dressed (buttons), to shampooing hair, to cutting up food to eat I have provided hours of quality entertainment for my family members.  There may have been a few tears of frustration and a few giggles of support along the way.

4.  The pad of our thumbs bleed like crazy when they are cut and have a hard time clotting.

The short story is I sliced off part of the pad of my thumb while cooking dinner on Friday night.  It is not the kind of cut that can be stitched up so my husband used his first aid skills to bandage me up at home.  There was a lot of blood and it really looked quite dramatic.

All joking aside... it definitely has slowed down my progress on some of my goals.  I have taken the time to focus on the goals that I have been able to do so progress does continue.  My momentum this year has been one of starts and stops.  I did not want to allow this to become a pause or worse yet, another stop.  As of tonight, I have had the bandage off for much of the day and it seems to be healing but I will continue to be careful with it in the meantime.

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