Saturday 25 November 2017

Busy or Blessed


This is a word that seems to describe life in our culture. 

Ask almost anyone how they are doing or how their week is going and the answer is more often than not - Busy...

When we don't live up to our commitments or maintain our relationships to level we feel we should, more often than not the reason is the same - Busy...

I hate to use the word busy to describe life but honestly that is how life has felt lately.  In life I wear many hats and honestly lately I feel like it's been a struggle to maintain any sort of balance. In most cases, whoever or whatever screams the loudest gets my attention.  Thankfully in most cases, this means my family gets first dibs.  Lately, work has been equally demanding though.  I've found that there is often conflict between the hats that I wear.  This work from home mom gig seems to be at odds with itself many days.

With all of these loud voices, I am finding that many of the things I do for myself are being pushed to the side.  Anything and everything kung fu seems to fall into this category lately.  Whether it is physical requirements, blogging, personal requirements like reading and playing the piano or decluttering my house...  All these areas of my life have been a struggle this year. 

Lately I have been doing better in some of the areas that have been neglected.  It often feels though that as I start to make some progress in one area, the next slips to the side.  I am trying to juggle it all and balls are dropping all over the place.

Life is filled to the brim but I don't want to describe it as busy.  For today, I did stop and take care of some things for me.  I have submitted my first draft of requirements and wrote this blog.  That is between driving Way to kung fu and using a hot glue gun to help Georgia with a school art project.  My life does look busy but really it is blessed.  This is something I need to remember when I am in the thick of it all.

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