Tuesday 8 August 2017

Life Really Did Happen...

Anniversaries have a way of bringing about an array of emotions.  There are happy anniversaries like wedding anniversaries, the birth of a child or other major life milestones reached.  There are hard anniversaries like the death of a loved one.  The one thing they all have in common is that each one signals a significant life change for the people who continue to be impacted throughout the years.

For our family, today is one of those anniversaries.  For me in particular it is a hard one.  Two years ago the life of my family was altered in a split second when someone failed to slow down for a stop sign.  I could have never imagined the path that our family would travel after.

I am physically as healed as I am ever going to be but I am different.  I know that we are all different at the end of each day than we are when we start but this is much more pronounced that those types of changes.  I have a new brain and some days I still struggle as I am learning how to best operate it.  The journey has been hard but I have learned so much about myself and my family in the process.

The past few weeks have been especially hard.  I would have thought at this stage of the game it would be easier but it has not been.  I have been working with a lawyer to finish up my claim.  Unfortunately, that is an extremely negative process.  I have had to document all the time I've spent in appointments and the negative impacts that accident has had on my life.  I have had to go back and read my old journals with the focus of looking for the hard - documenting the overwhelm, anxiety and depression that have been part of the past two years.  I have had to read letters written by professionals who have treated me documenting the long term impacts they foresee for my mental health.  It has been very hard to keep myself in a good headspace while doing this.  Reliving the negative moments has greatly impacted my life.

That day I took a few moments to write a blog.  I am so grateful that I did.  That day I chose to focus on gratitude.  Today I needed to be reminded that even in the hard, there are things to be grateful for.  There is always something to be grateful for.  Sometimes you just need to look a little harder...


1 comment:

  1. That seems so long ago. I'm grateful you were able to walk away from it.
