Thursday 25 May 2017

Life in the Buffet Line

I have been struggling for a variety of reasons to sit down this week and put something out there for the world.  Part of the reason was busyness and part of it was just trying to slow my mind enough to even write something that may be coherent.  This morning on my walk I was thinking about this whole situation and a picture came to mind.

Imagine you are at a huge buffet.  There is a long table of food and all of it looks super yummy!  You pick up your plate and you start at the one end.  There are lots of salads and veggies, then onto the main dishes.  Before you realize it, your plate is so full that you can hardly believe it.

This is a picture of life in my world right now.  Everywhere I look I see fantastic opportunities - all that yummy food.  I walk through and think I can handle a little of that and oh, I'd like to sample a little of that, and yup, that would be good for me too.  I don't have the right to complain about the state of my plate.  I put the items on it.  One by one, I have added to life.

This past long weekend was fantastic.  I was sampling a little from the dessert table at that point.  We worked outside as a family (don't ask the kids if that was like dessert, they will definitely have a different answer).  Then Sunday we played mini golf and just hung out as a family.  Lots of time spent together and the added bonus, our yard was looking fantastic (until yesterday's wind, but that is another story all together).  The dessert was great.

Then the beginning of the week hit and I found that I had not so strategically placed some meatballs on the top of my plate or somehow they had managed to work their way to the top.  Now these meatballs no longer wanted to stay on the plate.  They were rolling all over the place and needed to be dealt with immediately so that they would not hit the floor.  After a couple long days in front of the computer the meatballs have been tamed down but are ever perched at the edge of the plate.

Then there is the salad and the veggies that I mentioned first.  I happen to like salad.  In this story, kung fu is the salad.  The problem is, between the dessert, the meatballs and all of the other things piled up on that plate - for the life of me I have not been able to find the salad!!!  I know it's under there.  I know how good it is for me.

Today I've been spending some time just trying to figure out what exactly is all on that plate.  I did dig down and find a little salad.  Mostly though, I need to figure out just how much I can safely put on my plate and still enjoy the meal.

1 comment:

  1. That's quite the analogy you have going on here. Interesting way of looking at it!
