Tuesday 20 December 2016

Precious Time

It is that time of year where we are all (or at least most of us) feel like we are losing our minds.  There is so much to do, so many people to see - and just not enough time.  Christmas is coming and all of the celebrations and preparations.  The end of the year is looming and there are all those unmet deadlines and goals. 

The past week or so I've been struggling with all of this.  There just does not seem to be enough hours to do all that I feel I must.  Then this morning as I was attempting to prepare myself to nail today's impossible to do list, there was a post on Facebook with a link to a TED talk.  My first instinct was that I don't have time to listen to a talk.  Then I reminded myself that I could do it while I cleaned the kitchen later (plus did I mention that I had found time to check Facebook)....

The perspective of this speaker really shifted my thinking - so much so that here I am writing a blog about it.  I had not planned to write a blog today but the shift in priorities was needed.  You see, there are two reasons that I have not blogged.  The first is that the past couple weeks have been tough mentally.  The second reason was that I felt there just wasn't time.  That's an excuse.  I simply did not want to blog.  I know I agreed to do it.  I know that it is so beneficial every time I do it, yet I chose to not do it under the guise that I do not have time.  This is not just the case with blogging but with all of our IHC goals. 

Today, I have time.  Today, I will place my priorities at the top of the list.  Today, I will chose to use my precious 24 hours in a way that will line up with my goals and priorities.

Anyways, I've attached the link to the TED talk below.  For those of you who feel pressed for time, I think it was only about 15 minutes long.  Take a listen while you clean the kitchen, you will be happy you did!


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