Monday 15 August 2016

Making Some Changes

Change can be hard...  Change can be scary...  Change can be hard to maintain...  Change can end up being down right disappointing...

That is why I am hesitant to blog on this topic, yet one of the things we all promised was to live out our year publicly.  So here it goes...

For the past two years I have had the goal to get down to a healthier weight - one recommended by my doctor.  I would love to say that he is being completely unreasonable when he chose the number he gave me but that would not be true.  Not only is it reasonable, it really is obtainable but only with a ton of hard work.

I started off my weight loss journey last year strong.  Even blowing out my ACL did not slow me down much.  The specialist was actually shocked when I told her that I had not gained any weight during my recovery from my failed flying kick.  Then the accident happened...  Even in all that was going on, I managed to maintain the weight loss that I had achieved earlier in the year.  That is until the neuropsychologist put my flat on the couch for the better part of six weeks and the emotional lows set in.  Every ounce of progress was lost (or I guess gained is a better word in this instance).

I found this hard.  I found it hard to get face the truth.  I found it hard to find the motivation to do much about it.  I found it hard to say no to all the wrong foods.  Then at just the right moment, a sweet friend from Texas popped me a message.  It truly is all about timing sometimes...  She was trying to pull together a group of people who wanted to make positive changes in their lifestyles and lose weight in the process.  Yes!!!  Pick me!!!

With fear and trembling, I agreed to do it.  She was using the 21 Day Fix through Beach Body.  The package showed up the first week of August even though the official start date as not until the 8th.  The first few times I tried the exercise videos - they were so hard.  I could hardly walk for days leading into bootcamp.  The eating plan also looked tough.  I had to give up many of my fav foods or find healthier (not quite as yummy) alternatives.  Also, did I mention that I am a serious creature of habit.  I have eaten pretty much the same thing for breakfast for so many years it is a standing joke around here.  That needed to change...

As the start date approached, I wondered what I had gotten myself into.  Then bootcamp hit.  The seminars on nutrition and home fitness tied perfectly into the changes I was about to embark on.  It was almost like they knew...  Yet, I was afraid to say too much in case I wasn't able to follow through.  Change is hard...  Change is scary...

So now I am a full week in!  This change has not been as hard or as scary as I had anticipated.  I have had some not so fabulous breakfast moments trying to figure out the best fruit mix to use to naturally sweeten my oatmeal.  My kids have both wrinkled their noses up and question how anyone can give up processed sugar.  The eating plan really is just that - cut out the junk food (bad fats and sugar), eat a boatload of veg & fruit, learn what a proper portion actually looks like and have those starchy carbs done by the end of lunchtime.  The videos are still hard but they are getting easier each day.  I feel great and I have more energy than I have had in a long time.  And the bonus - my scale is starting to not tip quite so far. 

I still have a long way to go but I have a plan that is working.

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